COVID-19 Outbreaks
Clients will have the option to receive in-person sessions at the farm or receive video sessions. It is my professional judgment that the benefits of in-person sessions outway the current risks, especially with mandatory safety and infection control measures in place at the farm.
The benefits of in-person sessions include:
Connection to the farm, animals, nature, and myself
Strength and resilience-building the farm environment provides
Emotional support and problem-solving skill development during a complex time
Exposure to the therapeutic and stress-reducing effects of animals and nature
Physical activity and positive health effects both physically and mentally
Disconnect from screens, technology, and video games
Break for both children and parents from the confinement of the home
The following mandatory safety and infection control measures will be in place at the farm:
To be eligible for the in-person sessions the client (child/adult), must complete the COVID-19 Screening Assessment before EACH in-person session, the day of the appointment.
The client and I must wear a face mask during the session. Clients are responsible to provide their own mask.
The client will have their temperature taken at the gate. If the temperature is above 37.8 C, the session will be canceled.
The client will sanitize their hands at the gate.
Physical distancing will be maintained whenever possible.
Clients must use a hand sanitizer before making contact with the animal.
All or the majority of the session will occur outdoors. Time in the barn and clubhouse will be limited.
The handling of tools and toys will be limited and disinfected between sessions.
No food or drinks will be served.
The port-a-john, barn, and Clubhouse will be disinfected after each use.
Parents and drivers will need to wait in their cars, except for back to back sibling sessions in which case, the Lavender Lounge trailer will be available. Parents/drivers will need to bring their own activities for use in the trailer. The trailer will be disinfected after use.
Therapy animals are a vital part of Nourishing Hearts Wellness Care Farm, I hope that you are comfortable with their presence. However, because they are animals we are responsible for their welfare. This also means that their behavior is not always predictable. Therefore, it is important to discuss in advance the guidelines needed to ensure the animals’ safety and health and how we can try to create as safe environment as possible. Likewise, you have chosen to participate in a farm environment. While I have listed some of these risks below, I cannot foresee all potential problems that may occur.
Sturdy closed-toed footwear is required to enter the animal pen.
The animals have individual rights, just as each person has rights. Therefore, the animal is allowed to determine if and when they participate with others. While it may be planned to have an animal involved, the animal will never be forced to do so.
The animals have their own quiet space where they can rest, sleep, or just take a quiet break. The animals should not be disturbed when they are in this area.
The animals are always treated gently. They should never be hit, tails or any other parts pulled, carried or treated in any other way that is uncomfortable to them.
If an animal becomes irritated, scared, or in any way acts in a negative manner, we will remove ourselves from the animal and go to a safe place. No one should touch the animal at these times.
There is no climbing or jumping from fences or gates.
This is a NON-SMOKING facility. If you smoke, please do so in your own personal vehicle and refrain from leaving cigarette butts on the property (Cornelius does walk around and could eat them).
There are a number of animals at the farm including dogs, cats, chickens, ducks, pig, horse, sheep and goats. If you have allergies to any animals, or their food (e.g. hay or grass) please be prepared for an allergic reaction – I cannot give out medication for allergies. I do not accept liability for allergic reactions to anything on our premises.
Animals often use their mouths in play. Therefore, even when playing, it is possible for light biting to occur. The goats also use their mouths frequently to explore and are capable of biting fingers quite hard. I recommend that you keep your hands away from their mouth. The goats also want to play with people – this “play” involves standing on hind legs and attempting to knock a person over with their head. This may not be fun for you so please keep your distance from the goats if in doubt. Additionally, animals have their own natural defenses. While I will do everything possible to prevent any injury, it is possible that someone will get butted, scratched or bitten.
For their own safety and dignity, our animals are not declawed. While I routinely trim their claws, when playing it is possible to get scratched.
While all my animals have been screened by a veterinarian before commencing to work as therapy animals, animals do sometimes carry disease. Because your contact is minimal, this risk is very small.
Our female goat and sheep have not been spayed, therefore they will routinely go into estrus (heat). Our male goats are castrated, however as is routine for all male goats he will respond as though he is not. Therefore, there is the possibility that your child may witness the goat’s mating behavior.
Our pot-bellied pig is a male boar and has tusks. I want you to be aware of this, as although he is known for his friendly disposition, at times he may move quickly if startled which could result in his tusks hitting you.
If you or your child is sick, I ask that you either cancel or switch your session to a virtual session.